TORONTO, March 2, 2020 /CNW/ – The Salvation Army Thrift Store invites Canadians to declutter with purpose this March during their national donations campaign called “Your Donations Matter: There’s Power in Giving.” The Spring campaign aims to motivate the public to donate clothing and household items to The Salvation Army Thrift Store, where there are real societal and environmental benefits to giving. As part of a national charitable organization, The Salvation Army Thrift Store relies on donations to their Donor Welcome Centres at stores across the country.
“This campaign speaks to the power of giving,” says Ted Troughton, Managing Director of The Salvation Thrift Store, National Recycling Operations. “It’s the support of generous people and businesses who enable us to help others, and we are calling on them to spring into action this March. Your donations really do matter in providing care for our many diverse communities across Canada.”
Spring into action by giving donations the power to help build stronger communities. The Salvation Army Thrift Store contributes to Salvation Army programs and services such as food banks for hunger relief, school programs and camps, shelters for people experiencing homelessness, and emergency relief efforts. Last year alone assistance was provided to over 1.6 million Canadians in over 400 communities that may not otherwise have been reached.
Donations also support The Salvation Army Thrift Store’s voucher program, which enables individuals and families in need to shop for necessities free of charge at their local store with vouchers given by The Salvation Army’s Social Services. 48,699 vouchers valued at over $6.2 million were redeemed at The Salvation Army Thrift Store last year.
“Bringing us your donations results in tangible community benefits that make it easy to feel good about giving,” says Michele Walker, Director of Retail Operations for The Salvation Army Thrift Store. “Our voucher program offers dignity to those who need a helping hand and allows us to care for our neighbours. Donations of clothing and household items from the public make this work possible.”
Donating items that are no longer wanted also benefits environmental sustainability through recycling and reuse. As one of Canada’s original and largest recyclers, The Salvation Army Thrift Store has provided a unique way to serve through retail and recycling for over 100 years. Last year, 37,404 metric tons (82.4 million pounds) of clothing, textiles, household items, and furniture were diverted from local landfills through The Salvation Army Thrift Store.
The dedicated donations campaign runs from March 2 to March 31, and seeks to intensify the public’s interest, commitment, and motivation to act on bringing donations to their local Salvation Army Thrift Store. Donations are accepted daily at stores, Distribution Recycling Centres, and Community Recycling Centres across the country to make donating easy and convenient.
About The Salvation Army Thrift Store
The Salvation Army Thrift Store (National Recycling Operations) supports the mission of The Salvation Army in Canada for its communities and social programs by generating funds and making a positive influence. As part of a national charitable organization, The Salvation Army Thrift Store operates 107 stores across Canada and relies upon the generous donations of guests to help support those in need.
For further information: May Strutt, National Communications and Engagement Specialist, The Salvation Army Thrift Store, Email:, Office: 905.825.9208 ext. 200
Le conseiller de ville M. Peter McQueen rencontre des représentants de l’Armée du Salut pour la cérémonie d’inauguration
Quartier NDG, Montréal : Le 30 janvier 2020, la chaîne de magasins d’occasions de l’Armée du Salut ouvre officiellement une nouvelle boutique au 6112, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, dans le quartier NDG, où la clientèle continuera de réaliser des économies en achetant des vêtements et des articles ménagers de seconde main, et où les donateurs pourront toujours apporter les objets dont ils n’ont plus besoin. Il s’agit d’une relocalisation du magasin qui était situé au 5758-62, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, dont le bail a expiré et qui a fermé ses portes au début de janvier.
« Nous sommes très heureux d’ouvrir un nouveau magasin d’occasions de l’Armée du Salut dans la même rue que l’ancien, afin que nous puissions continuer à servir les membres de la collectivité de NDG qui sont très précieux à nos yeux, » mentionne Michele Walker, directrice des opérations de détail des magasins d’occasions de l’Armée du Salut. « Cela fait presque 20 ans que notre organisation est présente dans le quartier, et nous sommes enthousiastes à l’idée de poursuivre notre oeuvre bénéfique à Montréal. »
Le nouveau magasin d’occasions sera inauguré par le conseiller de ville du district Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, M. Peter McQueen, et des représentants de l’Armée du Salut. Dans le cadre de l’ouverture officielle du nouveau magasin, des rafraîchissements seront offerts aux 200 premiers clients.
« En faisant des dons ou des achats dans nos magasins d’occasions, vous appuyez non seulement un organisme de bienfaisance qui vient en aide à des milliers de personnes démunies de votre région, mais vous contribuez aussi à rendre nos collectivités plus vertes, » indique Michele Walker. « L’an dernier, plus de 1300 bons d’achat, dont la valeur totalise près de 200 000 $, ont été utilisés à Montréal par des gens dans le besoin, qui ont pu ainsi se procurer gratuitement des articles dans nos magasins d’occasions. »
Au fil des ans, l’Armée du Salut, qui compte six magasins d’occasions dans la région montréalaise, a joué un rôle déterminant dans la collectivité. En effet, les fonds qu’elle a recueillis ont notamment permis de financer ses services d’urgence et d’aide aux sinistrés, ainsi que ses programmes, qui viennent en aide aux plus vulnérables de la société.
À propos des magasins d’occasions de l’Armée du Salut
Le service national de recyclage de l’Armée du Salut gère plus de 100 magasins d’occasions au Canada. Son rôle consiste à générer des fonds pour aider l’Armée du Salut à accomplir sa mission et, par le fait même, avoir une incidence positive au sein des collectivités. Comme l’Armée du Salut est une organisation nationale de bienfaisance, elle compte sur la générosité des donateurs pour venir en aide aux plus démunis.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec :
May Strutt, spécialiste des communications et de l’engagement à l’échelle nationale
Magasins d’occasions de l’Armée du Salut
Adresse courriel :
Téléphone — bureau : 905-825-9208, poste 119
Téléphone — cellulaire : 289-981-9978
City Councillor Peter McQueen to join Salvation Army Representatives for Ribbon-Cutting
NDG, Montreal, January 30, 2020: The Salvation Army Thrift Store is celebrating a Grand Opening in NDG on Thursday, January 30, 2020, after relocating to 6112 Sherbrooke St. West. The new NDG Thrift Store will continue to offer savings on gently used clothing and household items, as well as a Donor Welcome Centre to accept donations seven days a week. The relocation follows the lease expiration of the former NDG Thrift Store at 5758-62 Sherbrooke St. West, which closed its doors in early January.
“We are very pleased to be opening a new Salvation Army Thrift Store just down the street from our former location so that we can continue to serve the valued NDG community,” says Michele Walker, Director of Retail Operations at The Salvation Army Thrift Store. “We have been in this community for almost 20 years, and are so excited to continue making a positive impact in Montreal.”
The new location will be opened by city councillor Peter McQueen and local Salvation Army representatives. The Grand Opening celebration will feature complimentary refreshments and giveaways for the first 200 guests.
“Shopping and donating with us means you are giving to a good cause that assists thousands locally while supporting a greener community,” says Walker. “Last year, over 1,300 vouchers were redeemed in Montreal at a value of just under $200,000 for those in need to shop free of charge at The Salvation Army Thrift Store.”
With six locations in the city, The Salvation Army Thrift Store has played a vital role in the community over the years and provides funds to support neighbours in need through Salvation Army programs, services, and emergency relief efforts.
About The Salvation Army Thrift Store
The Salvation Army Thrift Store (National Recycling Operations) operates over 100 stores across Canada. NRO’s role, within the context of The Salvation Army, is both to generate funds to help The Salvation Army achieve its mission, and to influence positively the communities in which we operate. As part of a national charitable organisation, The Salvation Army Thrift Store relies upon the generous donations of Guests to help support those in need.
May Strutt, National Communications and Engagement Specialist
The Salvation Army Thrift Store
Office: 905-825-9208 ext. 119 Cell: 289-981-9978